Friday, March 20, 2009

What if you were told that you create your entire life's experiences from an energetic point of view? That every thought you had caused emotions to arise within and that the energy of the emotion would bring that very experience into your life? It has taken me from childhood to adulthood to discover this fact. What we think of will become our reality. The mind is a powerful tool. Without knowing how it works with the universe is like trying to drive a car with a flat tire; you will move, but not without much difficulty. If we were taught from the cradle, that our mind, controlled by a wise heart, can create what we call miracles, we would all be living the life of our "higher selves". Our bodies send out magnetic energies through our heart with the thought processes. Those unseen energies have their own unique magnifying vibratory tone. Happiness, joy, anger, sadness, they all send out a vibration correlating to the emotion. That is why group prayer is so powerful. Many people praying, with the same thoughts, brings much more energy to light. It would benefit every human being if they realized their thoughts and then emotions are a magnetic energy that can only bring back what it sends out. To create a life of love and light is as easy as holding those thoughts and continuing throughout even stressful moments. What you put out, you will certainly get back. It is up to all of us as individuals to be responsible with our thoughts. We have the ability to be carriers of good or bad thoughts that create our reality. One higher form of enlightenment is realizing we are all one and that we should be creating the best for ourselves, which in turn will do right by others. Thinking right doesn't just feel right, it brings the right experiences straight to your door.